Equipment relocation
Embracing the challenge of equipment relocation
The task of equipment relocation is a highly specialised one requiring much more than heavy lifting equipment and transport that is able to take the strain. The sophistication of today's production facilities means that equipment relocation is more challenging than ever - heavier, more sensitive and requiring degrees of accuracy that only experts can provide. It is a challenge the SCHOLPP team relishes. As a leading specialist in the field of equipment relocation, the company is equipped with both the highly trained staff and advanced equipment - 40 million euros worth - required to carry out some of the most demanding plant moving jobs in the world. With more than half a century of equipment relocation experience in over 50 countries world-wide the company's engineers have seen it all - and provided solutions to make sure every challenge they encounter becomes a triumph by the end of the project.
Flexible approach to equipment relocation
The key to the SCHOLPP equipment relocation service is its flexibility. The company has over 1,200 employees in Germany and six other countries, a number that includes specialists in every field of engineering involved in the equipment relocation process. Those skills are brought to bear on every project through inter-disciplinary teams that are tailored to the exact needs of a job - from experts in heavy lifting and moving through to the mechanical, electrical and electronic engineers who ensure the equipment arrives and is installed in as good a condition as it was when it left - or better in situations that call for the skills of SCHOLPP's repair and maintenance teams. With equipment that ranges from the raw power of a 1,000 ton gantry crane to measuring technology that ensures tolerances can be measured in hundredths of a millimetre, the SCHOLPP equipment relocation package is geared to deliver the best results every time.