Cranes working in tandem lift: press assembly in the forging plant

Cranes and a lifting gantry flex their muscles: this job called for power. Šmeral Brno a.s., a forging technology manufacturer from the Czech Republic, ordered the installation of a press frame and press ram. Both components were destined for Schmiedetechnik Dessau GmbH and together weighed 110 metric tons. The project called for powerful equipment.

This heavyweight job needed to be completed in just one week. The forging plant in Dessau specializes in nearnet-shape drop forgings and components with a high degree of complexity. The fitters had two days’ lead time to prepare the installation site. They also had to erect a TG 320-4 hydraulic lifting gantry.

Cranes perform a parallel tandem lift

When the press frame (82 metric tons) was delivered horizontally on the third day, two truck-mounted cranes were ready for action. The press frame (6.30 x 3.00 x 2.00 meters) was unloaded in a horizontal position using the cranes in a tandem lift and positioned on a machine transport cart (110 metric tons). Then a forklift was used to move it right under our lifting gantry on the press foundation.

Risk-aware tilting maneuvers with the lifting gantry

Now the press frame had to be carefully erected and precisely positioned. These tilting maneuvers with extremely heavy components are not as easy as they appear at first glance. The dynamic movements of the center of gravity must be constantly monitored, and pendulum movements have to be avoided.

In addition, conditions in the hall were cramped. The rail guide of the mobile lifting gantry was therefore kept as narrow as possible. Once the press frame had reached its position, preparations began for moving in the press ram, which was delivered and installed on day four of the project.

Seasoned fitters with extensive press experience

On the fifth and final day, SCHOLPP dismantled the lifting gantry and handed over the site. Our press specialists worked hand in hand to meet the deadlines. Experienced fitters, the right installation equipment, and precise planning were the keys to success on this challenging job.

SCHOLPP is a partner of the forming industry
SCHOLPP is a partner of the forming industry
SCHOLPP is a partner of the forming industry
SCHOLPP is a partner of the forming industry
SCHOLPP is a partner of the forming industry

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Smeral Brno a.s., Brno


Forming industry

Project type:

New installation projects


Installation of a press frame (82 tonnes) for a forging press and a press ram (26 tonnes)

Equipment used:

2x mobile crane (130 t), machine transport trolley (110 t), forklift (8 t), TG 320-4 mast (320 t, 4 legs), assembly equipment

Unique factors:

Parallel tandem lift of two mobile cranes, demanding tipping manoeuvres with hydraulic mast

Contact person:

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