Relocation of 45 research systems
Flying carpet lands in Norderstedt
When tesa, a world-leading manufacturer of self-adhesive product and system solutions, relocates its company headquarters, the result is a project with special challenges. The move from the Eimsbüttel region of Hamburg to Norderstedt affected some 1,000 employees and included 7,500 moving boxes and 45 research systems from the technology center. Extensive pre-planning ensured efficient organization of the move. Nothing was left to chance.
Thomas Erfurth, Director of the tesa technology center, commissioned the SCHOLPP team from Hamburg to relocate 45 highly sensitive systems for the technical testing of adhesive components. This required not only good instincts but also logistical accuracy, since all installation work was to be carried out during running production. Meticulous advance planning and the selection of special installation and transport technology were indispensable for the assignment. The system components from the old technology center in Eimsbüttel had to be lowered through a 20 m high wall opening and then raised back up at the new location, making use of SCHOLPP’s “flying carpet.” This 3 x 7 meter work and transport platform, which is suspended from a crane, can transport machines weighing up to 160 kN through the air.
The spatial conditions for the removal and move-in were very restricted. In addition, the reinstallation was carried out during ongoing construction work on and in the new building. Nevertheless, the work was completed according to plan, and the systems were handed over to Director Thomas Erfurth on schedule.

tesa SE
Industry:Mechanical engineering
Project type:Relocation projects
Task:Relocation of 45 systems for the technical testing of adhesive components
Equipment used:250 t truck-mounted crane, crane platform, various forklifts
Unique factors:Inside delivery through narrow, lateral building openings
Contact person:Want to know more about this project? Please contact us.