Relocation in just five days
Relocation of an extensively equipped workshop
The more individual parts, the more crucial the organization: Every client wants the relocation of a company or part of a company to go as quickly as possible. Downtimes in the production facility or the relevant department should be kept to a minimum, the technical equipment being transported should reach its destination intact and be ready for use again without delay. In a job it performed for Warema Renkhoff SE, SCHOLPP relied on all of its experience and expertise to relocate a development workshop to a new site.
Warema in Marktheidenfeld, Bavaria develops and produces solar screening products and associated control systems for buildings. Over recent years, SCHOLPP has successfully completed several jobs for this client involving the bringing in of machinery. This project called for the relocation of the entire development workshop and the associated materials warehouse from Marktheidenfeld to the Dillberg area four kilometers away. The job was performed by the installation team from the nearby SCHOLPP site in Dietzenbach near Frankfurt am Main.
Quick, coordinated, smooth
The transportation of the extensively equipped workshop was completed in just five days: from removing the equipment and loading it onto trucks at the old site right through to bringing it in and positioning it at the new site. The team transported sixteen machines, technical equipment and plants as well as all of the accessories and attachment parts. The machinery included machine tools such as aluminum and steel saws, lathes, milling machines, hydraulic presses and upright drilling machines. The equipment and plant included a welding machine, a wind class test bench, a climatic chamber and a cold chamber. The heaviest component weighed three metric tons, and the largest plant measured 2 x 4 meters.
Professional expertise required for air-conditioning technology
Particular care was required when handling the sensitive climatic and cold chambers during transportation. To this end, the SCHOLPP fitters opted for a fixing solution that had proven its merits during other projects and that involved using tension belts for the best possible securing of the load. SCHOLPP has a lot of expertise when it comes to the transportation and bringing in of air-conditioning technology. The installation teams are often commissioned by manufacturers to deliver air-conditioning units and to position them correctly in or on buildings. The relocation of the development workshop was completed in line with the customer’s specifications in just five days.

Warema Renkhoff SE, Marktheidenfeld
Industry:Mechanical engineering
Project type:Rigging projects
Task:Relocation of a complete development workshop within a district
Equipment used:Forklifts, lift trucks, installation equipment
Unique factors:Relocation of an extensively equipped workshop with a large number of machines and sensitive technical equipment in just five days
Contact person:Want to know more about this project? Please contact us.