Use in the solar industry: Production technology for photovoltaic modules
Neighborly assistance right around the corner: These transportation operations took place just 400 meters from the SCHOLPP site in Chemnitz. Photovoltaic module manufacturer Heckert Solar GmbH had production technology it needed to bring in and remove. SCHOLPP works with this long-standing client as an installation partner around two to three times a year, and this particular job involved three vacuum laminators plus accessories.
Five days were scheduled for removing the plants at Bitburg/Rheinland-Pfalz, transporting to Chemnitz and bringing into Heckert Solar. The SCHOLPP team had the following general cargo on the packing list: three vacuum laminators (12 metric tons and 5.5. meters in length each) each with two switch cabinets, two pump stands (1.6 metric tons each) and four input and output tables as well as additional accessories.
Close timing
The procedure was planned as follows: the first step involved the team removing and loading two laminators and accessories in Bitburg and having them transported to Chemnitz by a freight forwarder; the removal of an additional laminator in Chemnitz was to be carried out in parallel. This old device was brought to an interim storage site for the salvaging of spare parts. The third step involved the SCHOLPP fitters bringing one of the laminators from Bitburg to the Heckert production hall in Chemnitz. The second laminator from Bitburg was also put into storage and was dismantled by the client for the salvaging of spare parts.
Teams working in parallel
In order to move laminators in and out of the Chemnitz site, an opening needed to be created in the side wall of the production hall, as the installation position of the laminators was too far away from the hall doors. Too many machines would have had to be moved for lateral transportation and positioning. The small step between the car park in front of the hall and the floor of the hall itself was something that the fitters had to accept, And was easily overcome with a mobile crane (80 metric tons), a special cross-beam (40 metric tons), chain hoists, heavy-duty rollers, an assembly trolley and a forklift. Two SCHOLPP teams worked in parallel and with a well-coordinated timetable in order to meet the schedule of five days, much to the delight of the client Heckert Solar.

Heckert Solar GmbH, Chemnitz
Industry:Semiconductor / Photovoltaic industry
Project type:Rigging projects
Task:Bringing in and removing vacuum laminators
Equipment used:Assembly trolley, two wide-load lowbed semi-trailers with tarpaulin, mobile crane (80 metric tons), cross-beam (40 metric tons), loading crane LK1, forklift (5 metric tons), chain hoists, transport rollers
Unique factors:Close timing, two teams working in parallel
Contact person:Want to know more about this project? Please contact us.