Industrial rigging
Worldwide Industrial rigging - efficient and reliable
Industrial rigging covers a large complex range of tasks. Expertise is therefore required if industrial rigging is to be carried out efficiently and reliably. With more than 65 years of experience, SCHOLPP is the ideal partner for your rigging activities. SCHOLPP is a global leader in the dismantling, relocation, reassembly and recommissioning of machinery and high-tech systems. Our employees perform around 1,000,000 working hours per year in around 5,000 projects in over 500 countries. This valuable expertise grows in our team with every new challange that we face every day, all over the world.
Technical expertise and commitment
Our team of engineers, installation supervisors and specialised fitters is very consistent, The average length of service of our more than 700 employees is around 10 years. The SCHOLPP team combines the best professional qualifications with a high level of motivation. We combine professional equipment and specialised technology with skilled craftsmanship.
Comprehensive industry expertise
SCHOLPP has experience in all core sectors of industry. This is unique in the industrial rigging sector in terms of the scope and technical depth of our expertise in various types of machines and systems. Some of the sectors mentioned here are Automotive and supplier industry, biotechnology, chemical and petrochemical industry, printing industry, escalator industry, semiconductor industry, power plant industry, plastics industry, food industry, machine industry, maritime industry and shipbuilding, medical technology, pharmaeutical industry, photovoltaic industry, tyre industry, forming industry, packaging industry.
Flexible industrial assembly thanks to modular service modules
SCHOLPP offers everything from a single source, from planning and consulting to the dismantling and transport of machines and systems, right through to rigging, installation and operational readiness. Our costumers may select the service modules for project realisation as required. SCHOLPP can be both a service provider for individual specialised tasks and a general contractor with overall responsibility.
High-tech equipment for succesful industrial rigging
Powerful equipment for a wide range of specialised tasks
In addition to comprehensive expertise, SCHOLPP offers a globally competitive fleet of vehicles and equipment that can be used to successfully carry out industrial rigging work even under the most difficult spatial conditions. The company`s equipment includes lifting gantries, industrial cranes, in-plant rollers and everything else required for industrial rigging work.
Technology in comprehensive capacities
The SCHOLPP rigging equipment also includes practical aids such as theodolites, air cushion technology and transport detectors. With these specialised devices, we are prepared for every challange outside - regardless of its size and complexity. Wether complete relocation or partial rigging, wether heavy transport or precision work, wether to a neighbouring town or to another continent - there is no requirement that cannot be met with our equipment. And in the event that the right technology does not yet exist, we simply design it.
SCHOLPP is close by: our network of locations
And no matter where the industrial rigging work is to be carried out, SCHOLPP fitters and our technology are close by. Either with mobile teams or of one of the seven national and four international locations.
Do you have a specific question about industrial assembly? Then contact our specialists here.
From the field
Industrial installation with efficient project management: Installation of a granulator at Advance Pharma
Always in balance depsite tilting manoeuvers: This industrial installation for Mühlenbecker Anlagenbau MRA GmbH Co. KG was tailor-made for the experienced team from SCHOLPP's Berlin site. A granulator including accessories and ventilation systems weighting 5.5 tons was to be installed at Advance Pharma GmbH in Berlin. Due to the dimensions of the granulator, the SCHOLPP fitters carried out some challangeing tilting and lifting manoeuvres in the factory hall during the installation. This successful industrial installation was preceded by professional project management, in which all the threads were held in one hand. The combination of experience, manpower and customer requirements led exactly to the goal.
Anything is possible: Industrial installation with the right partner
For industrial companies, the assembly of new machines is an enormously complex project. For a professional provider of industrial installation, it is routine. Advanced Pharma develops and produces various pharmaceuticals, food supplements, dietary and medical products at its site in the northern Berlin district of Reinickendorf. Exactly one week was planned for this industrial rigging in order to install and assemble a new granulator system in the production hall. Plant manufacturer MRA from Mühlenbeck near Berlin brought SCHOLPP on board for this industrial installation.
Preparation is everything. precise planning for industrial installation
Regardless of the scenario, one thing always applies to industrial installation: preparation is everything. Some industrial companies have a very clear idea in advance of when which machine needs to be moved, how and in what time frame. Others have a more abstract idea. A professional partner for industrial installation brings clarity into play here. During an one-site inspection at the cutomer's premises, they analysed what preparations are necessary. This will clarify how responsibilities are allocated, and which organisational interfaces are established between the customer and service provider during industrial installation.
The right experts for every industrial installation: industry experience counts
During this industrial installation project, experienced SCHOLPP project managers ensurede that all processes interlocked, that every detail was considered and that it was possible to react quickly to any imponderables. It is important to get the right project manager on board at an early stage. Beong able to offer the right person for a project is crucial for rigging success in industry. After all, it makes a difference wether a machine for the printing of textile industry or a proton thearpy system for tumour treatment or a pharmacutical granulator is to be installed. This requires experience specialists - and a professional partner for industrial installation must be able to provide them.
Clear agreements for clear project management
The subsequent detailed agreements are complex. It is necessary to clarify the scope of services from mechanical rigging, installation and electrics to the handling of control elements. The risks of industrial installation are also addressed and thei management prepared. Steffen Kühn, Managing Director at SCHOLPP, knows all about the necessary detailed work: 'A lot has to be taken into account, especially for industrial installations abroad,' explains the Managing Director,'Employees must have a work permit, we need a transport premit for all technical equipment and must be aware of legal restrictions. This requires a lot of expertise and even more research, as these requirements can change very dynamically.'
Personnel management: time-saving industrial installation with two teams
Once all the framework parameters of the planned industrial installation are clear, the next step is to send the best team on the project. The components were delivered on four loads. Two SCHOLPP teams worked in parallel on the project for Advanced Pharma in order to meet the pharmaceutical industry customer's rigging schedule. Team 1 was responsible for the ventilation systems, while Team 2 was responsible for the granulator. As the installation level of the production building was not at ground level, but on the first floor, all parts were 'flown' to the hall opening by mobile crane (130 tons) using the 'flying carpet' - a crane platform ( 8 tons). The 3.5-ton granulator, also the largest part at 2.0 x 2.0 x 5.0 m, was transported horizontally.
The size of the team for an industrial installation always depends on the size of the project. As a rule, a team consists of an installation manager as the head, senior fitters and specialised mechanical and electrical fitters. They are coordinated by the project manager, who bears full responsibility from the outset. 'we can adapt dynamically to projects in terms of personnel planning. This flexibility is our greatest strength. We organise how, for example, 100 employees from different branches get to the site, where they stay, how they are cateed for and what they have to do in a coordinated nammer,' adds Angela Kermer, Head of Industrial Personnel at SCHOLPP.
Technical management: safe tipping and lifting manoeuvers
In addition to personnel, technology is a decisive factor for successful industrial rigging. A project manager needs to clarify two things: What technology do we need? And where do we get it from? Ideally, he should use equipment from his own stock. Professionals like SCHOLPP can even develop and build customised solutions to realise a project if required.
The plant components of the granulator were transported across the industrial hall using forklift trucks (6 tons), electric stackers (2 tons), electric ants (pallet trucks) and heavy duty-rollers. Then the most difficult step of this industrial installation awaited the SCHOLPP fitters: the erection of the granulator. An articulated telescopic lifting platform, an aluminium gantry, various electric chain hoists (5 tons) and hydraulic lifters were installed in advance. The ceiling of the building had to be opened with a core drill hole in order to position the chain hoists. The project and installation managers remain in close contact with the customer and regularly exchange information on progress. If unexpected situations arise during installation in the industry, they should be discussed immediately and communicated to the customer.
Experience is everything: efficient use of lifting and transportation technology
With the help of this proven technical solution, the SCHOLPP team carefully and safetly erected the five-metre-high granulator. It was important that the part remained in a controlled balance at all time. Given the elevated centre of gravity, this was no easy task. Thanks to the experience of the Berlin-based SCHOLPP fitters with such industrial installations and the efficient lifting and transportation technology, the job was completed within the specified time frame.
Planning and its limits: Flexibility is required for industrial installation work
After the installation, the team spontaneously supported the customer and plant operator with the installation of the accessories and the rigging of the ventilation systems. Project management in industrial installation is just like life itself: A lot can be planned but is also an excellent ad hoc manager as soon as an unexpected event occurs during assembly. There's always something - and an experienced industrial installation partner can also handle unforeseen situations in consultation with the customer and with a creative solution.