Industrial relocation

Rely on professional help for industrial relocations

Industrial relocations in the industry sector are a very special challenge. High-quality machines and systems must be safely brought to the new location and reinstalled there. The planning and logistics are therefore more complex and time-consuming than when relocations are carried out in other sectors. SCHOLPP has decades of experience in dealing with industrial machines of all kinds and is therefore the right partner when it comes to industrial relocations. Regardless of the size, type and number of your machines, SCHOLPP carries out your company relocation safely and reliably with professional high-tech equipment. Rely on the industrial service provider SCHOLPP for industrial relocations.

Industrial relocations with an experienced service provider

SCHOLPP has been offering a wide range of services for the industrial sector for several decades, and its service portfolio also includes industrial relocations. Our experienced employees do more than just the relocation for you. They develop a well-thought-out and coordinated concept for all the work steps involved in advance of the industrial relocation, saving you unnecessary stress and an uncertain cost situation. At SCHOLPP you get well-planned industrial relocations from a single source - at a fixed price and on a fixed date.

Best Practice: Production plant relocation

Complete factory relocation for an automotive supplier

Relocating of an entire factory hall with production machines and all office equipment is a typical project in the automotive and supplier industry. The SCHOLPP team often only has a few days to bring all the machines and production lines to the new factory location.

Extensive preparation: Planning dismantling, logistics and reassembly

It always sounds very simple at first: A company is moving. But before the trucks start moving, a lot of preparation has to be done. Customers usually award SCHOLPP to plan the entire project and divide it into precisely defined phases. All the necessary modules are then put together from the extensive SCHOLPP services to ensure that the industrial relocation project is a success: dismantling, loading, transport, reassembly, positioning, fastening and recommissioning.

Custom-made relocation: coordination, use of technology and communication

For most projects, only a limited schedule of a few days or weeks has to be kept, as production cycles in the automotive industry are tightly timed. Meeting deadlines and the smooth restart of all machines and production lines at the new factory location are the top priority. The start of production is often set for a date that cannot be postponed. This places high demands on the planning engineers, logistics specialists and rigging teams, which leaves little scope for delays. In addition to the well-chosen technical equipment, SCHOLPP's virtues are used to complete such a complex task: good coordination, routine work and professional communication.

Reference project for an industrial relocation

Complete industrial move in just five days:
Relocation of a fully equipped workshop

The more individual parts, the more important the organization of the relocation: it is important to every customer that a company move or the relocation of a part of the company goes as quickly as possible. The downtime of production in the company or department should be minimised, the product-equipment to be transported should reach its destination undamaged and be ready for use again quickly. For Warema Renkhoff SE, SCHOLPP brought all its experience and routine with industrial relocations to move an entire development workshop to another company location. Warema in Marktheidenfeld/Bavaria develops and manufactures sun protection products and the associated control systems for buildings. As part of a company relocation, the relocation of the entire development workshop and the associated material warehouse from Marktheidenfeld to the Dillberg district four kilometers away was on the agenda. The SCHOLPP rigging team was awarded for the major company industrial relocation. Read more...

Topics related to the dismantling, transport and reassembling machines

11 steps to a company move: Successful machine relocations and machine installation

Company moves often involve removing of a large production facility, several production lines or even an entire medium-sized company. Well thought-out planning down to the last detail and professional implementation of the relocation project are crucial for success. These 11 steps apply to a company relocation:

Step 1: Planning the company move - professional preparation
Step2: Dismantling and documenting the machines - on-site working power
Step 3: Transporting the production facilities - the journey begins
Step 4: Move-in of all machine parts at the new company location
Step 5: Fine assembly of the machines - precision work for professionals
Step 6: Installing the system electronics - the machine comes back to life
Step 7: Commissioning production - restart in the new industrial plant
Step 8: Service - technical support throughout the entire life cycle
Step 9: Automation of production - a good timing
Step 10: Service and maintenance - use the company move to maintain value
Step 11: Security through inspection and certification

Tip: Hire a general contractor for a company move. The relocation of large production facilities or the relocation of entire medium-sized companies are complex projects in which all involved must get together perfectly and countless aspects have to be considered and coordinated. It is therefore advisable to commission a general contractor such as SCHOLPP for large projects and company relocations so that there are as little interfaces as possible between the individual steps.

Read more about industrial relocations as well as company relocations, machine installation and machine transport in our blog

You can download the tips for company relocations as a PFD here: 11 steps to company relocation

Do you have a specific question about company relocations? Then contact our specialists here.

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